Sam, The Visionary Kid & Al, The Fugitive Book


On this fateful adventure, Sam, the Visionary Kid, aka ‘the kid,’ found himself walking along the familiar towpath of the canal, as he often did. The early evening air was crisp and cool, vibrant wildflowers and brambles and rows of lovely trees and bushes lined the canal path, their beauty a constant source of wonder. Sam felt peace amongst the colour-filled foliage, considering such as a testament to the miracle of God’s creation. Recently, Sam had found himself with a sense of purpose in his heart following the North Star as it shone brightly in the evening sky. Its silvery light always illuminating the towpath seemed to beckon Sam forward. Sam was a unique individual, blessed with the ‘gift of vision,’ a mysterious ability that had earned him the nickname ‘the Visionary Kid’ from friends, family, and even strangers who had heard of his remarkable talent. But Sam preferred a simpler moniker because despite this extraordinary gift, Sam still led a relatively innocent life, unaware of the incredible journey that lay ahead.

“Just call me Sam – my name is Sam,” he would insist, his voice gentle but firm. Yet, much to his disappointment, people often ignored his request. “Alright, kid, no worries,” they’d say with a chuckle, and thus, ‘the kid’ became another name by which he was known.

Suddenly, Sam heard footsteps behind him. Glancing back, he saw the figure of a man some distance away. At first, he paid little attention, but the man’s pace seemed to quicken, drawing him closer to Sam. Uncertainty crept into Sam’s heart – was this stranger simply in a hurry to reach his own destination, or did he intend to catch up and speak with him? Sam didn’t know!